Author: Huang Benji 黄本驥, juren 1821

Lidai zhiguan biao 歷代職官表
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberJQ1512.Z1 H83 1965
Description[87], 366, 210, 160 ; 21 cm
NoteLidai zhiguanbiao 歷代職官表 / Huang Benji bian 黄本驥編 ; [Zhonghua shuju Shanghai bianjisuo bianji 中華書局上海編輯所編輯].
Includes index.
"Lidai zhiguan biao 歷代職官表 (Tables of official posts from the earliest times to the nineteenth-century), Huang Benyi 黃本驥, comp., with introduction and glossary by Qu Tuiyuan 瞿蛻園. Huang produced his original table as a simplified version of the imperially sponsored work of the same title that had been compiled by Ji Yun 紀昀 and others in 1782." -- Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, p. 531.
SubjectChina--Officials and employees Civil service--China--Registers China-Officials and employees--Registers Civil service--China--History