Author: Wang, M. Y. (Minyuan), b. 1912

Mathews' Chinese-English dictionary
Publish_locationCambridge, MA
PublisherHarvard University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionRev. ed.
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberREF PL1455.M34 1972
Descriptionxxiv, 1226 p.; 26 cm.

Mathews' Chinese-English dictionary. Library also has 1975 ed. A copy of the 1975 ed. is also in ASCC stacks (PL1455.M34 1975 c. 2).
"A Chinese-English Dictionary compiled for the China Inland Mission by R.H. Mathews, Shanghai: China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission Press, 1931."
Revised American edition, Harvard University Press, 1943.
"....Mr. M.Y. Wang is responsible for the mechanical details of preparing the book for reproduction, Dr. Y.R. Chao has written the Introduction and has checked the pronunciation of all the entries, and both have taken part in the revisions."--Foreword.

A copy of the Taiwanese rpt. ed. (PL1455.M34 1971) is found in the ASCC stacks.

SubjectChinese language--Dictionaries--English