Author: Xiong Mingqi 熊鳴岐, jinshi 1607

Zhaodai wangzhang 昭代王章. Xuanlantang congshu 玄覽堂叢書
Publish_locationTaibei 臺北
PublisherGuoli zhongyang tushuguan 國立中央圖書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesXuanlantang congshu 玄覽堂叢書 ; 016-017, Xuanlantang congshu 玄覽堂叢書. Chuji 初輯 ; 16-17
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS753.X92 1981 v.16-17
Description2 v. : ill. ; 22 cm
NoteZhaodai wangzhang 昭代王章 : 6 juan 卷 : Ming Shijiantang kanben 明師儉堂刊本 / Xiong Mingqi ji 熊鳴崎輯.
Also published in New York: Meiguo zongjingxiao Huaqiang tushu gongsi 美國總經銷華強圖書公司.
Reprint. Previously published: Shanghai 上海 : Xuanlanjushi 玄覽居士, 1940. Published: Minguo 民國 70 [1981].

Zhaodai wangzhang 昭代王章 (late Wanli period), ed. by Xiong Mingqi, Qian Shijin 錢士晉 (1577-1635, 1613 js.), Du Shihui 杜時會 .... Compilation of law texts and commentaries comprising in the introductory juan of the judicial tables and general laws, the Dagao 大誥 and the Dagao xubian 大誥續編 .... juan 1-5 covers the Ming Code, regulations, tiaoli 條例, and explanations with commentary ... Cf. Franke, W. An introduction to the sources of Ming history, p. 188 (6.3.8)

SubjectLaw--China--Sources Law--China--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--Sources Da Minglü 大明律