Author: Ptak, Roderich

Sinica lusitania I : fontes chinesas em bibliotecas e arquivos portugueses, 1668-1871
PublisherFundação Oriente
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfFolio Cabinet 1
Call NumberDS796.M2 P82 2000
Description167 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm.
NoteSinica lusitania I : fontes chinesas em bibliotecas e arquivos portugueses, 1668-1871 = Chinese sources in Portuguese libraries and archives, 1668-1871 / [coordenação científica, Roderich Ptak].
On t.p.: Fontes Chinesas em Bibliotecas e Arquivos Portugueses--Chinese sources in Portuguese libraries and archives--Putaoya tushuguan dang'anguancang Zhongwen wenxian 葡萄牙圖書館檔案館藏中文文獻 [1668-1871]
Cover title also in Chinese: Pu-Zhong wenxian 葡中文獻.

Archival sources taken from the following:
Biblioteca da Ajuda -- Library of the Ajuda Palace -- 里斯本阿茹達圖書館 -- Biblioteca da Academia das Ciéncias de Lisboa -- Library of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon -- 里斯本科學院圖書館 -- Arquivo Historico Ultramarino -- Overseas Historical Archive -- 海外歷史檔案館 -- Biblioteca do Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa -- Library of the Ducal Palace of Vila Vicosa -- 維索薩鎮公爵宮圖書館

"Zhang Weimin...prepared the draft versions of the Chinese texts..assisted in their interpretation and established their final, punctuated version."--Introductory note.
***Graphic resource

Contents keywords:
Jesuitas na Asia, Codice 44-XII-40, letters by Qiu Sheng 丘晟 and Jiang Weipiao (Jiang Weibiao) 江為標 (probably 1668). Francesco Brancati (Pan Guoguang 潘國光, 1607-1671); Rites Controversy, response to criticism of Domingo Navarrete, Dominicans; Fujian Tianzhujiaotu 福建天主教徒 ; Letter of Qianlong Emperor to King of Portugal (29 May 1753); Francisco de Assis Pacheco de Sampaio, embassy, list of gifts from Qianlong to D. José, King of Portugal; list of hundreds of items: rolls of satin, silk, gauze, cups, cloisonné, lacquerware, gourd vases, porcelain, cups, plates, Korean paper, Chinese ink, incense, tea, fans, boxes. Codice 54-XIII-32, p. 39c, Letter by Macau Chinese merchants to King of Portugal (1871), King Luis (1839-1889) on his 33rd birthday; Chinese merchants Shen Cheng 沈成, Shen Wang 沈旺, De Feng 德豐, Ouyang Mao 歐陽懋 ; Manuscritos, Serie Vermelha, No. 950A, Jiaoyao xulun 教要序論 (Essentials of Christian Teaching (1704)), by Ferdinand Verbiest 南懷仁, printed at the printing press of the Nantang Church.
Cofre, LR 383, Memorandum from the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi to the King of Portugal (1749), administration of justice; murder investigation; June 1748, 2nd lt. Amaro da Cunha Lobo and pvt. Antonio killed two Chinese thieves, Li Tingfu 李廷富 and Jian Ya'er 簡亞二 during a patrol. The Governor, Antonio José Telles de Meneses, concerned about political problems, hid the corpses in the Monte, later disposing of them. He allowed the soldiers to seek asylum in Timor rather than face trial in China.
Macau, Caixa 30, Doc. 47, License for a seagoing ship issued by the Guangdong custom house (1759), a "passport" for ships (limited to 25 in Macau), Chinese licence with Portuguese translation by Fr. Rodrigo da Madre de Deus (1810) ; Macau, Caixa 19, Doc. 34, Letter from Macau merchants to the Queen of Portugal (1792), forty Chinese merchants and shops, accusations against Lazaro da Silva Ferreira, ouvidor of Macau.

SubjectManuscripts, Chinese--Portugal Portugal--Foreign relations--China--17th-19th centuries--Sources Macau 澳門--History--Sources China--Foreign relations--Portugal--17th-19th centuries--Sources