Author: Bafang wenhua qiye gongsi 八方文化企業公司

Hequ hecong : haiwai xuezhe de fansi 何去何從 : 海外學者的反思
Publish_locationTeaneck, NJ
PublisherBafang wenhua qiye gongsi 八方文化企業公司
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberDS779.215.H62 1990
Description3, 163 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteHequ hecong 何去何從 : 海外學者的反思 = The Future of China : The Scholars’ Views / Wang Gengwu deng 王賡武等 ; [bianzhe Bafang wenhua qiye gongsi 編者八方文化企業公司].
Colophon and margin title: Zhongguo hequ hecong 中國何去何從.
Cover title also in English: The Future of China : the Scholars’ Views.
SubjectChina--History--Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989 China--Politics and government--1976- Democracy--China