Author: Tan Fangming 覃方明

Wuxing de zongjiao : xiandai shehui zhong de zongjiao wenti 無形的宗敎 : 現代社會中的宗敎問題
Publish_locationXianggang 香港
PublisherInstitute of Sino-Christian Studies 漢語基督教文化研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesLidai Jidujiao xueshu wenku 歷代基督教學術文庫
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBL60.L812 1995
Descriptionxxviii, 160 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteWuxing de zongjiao : xiandai shehui zhong de zongjiao wenti 無形的宗敎 : 現代社會中的宗敎問題 / Lukeman zhu ; Tan Fangming yi 盧克曼著 ; 覃方明譯.
Translation of the English edition: The invisible religion : the problem of religion in modern society.
Originally published in German: Problem der Religion in der modernen Gesellschaft.
Includes index of personal names with Chinese equivalents.
SubjectReligion and sociology