Author: Zhongguo yinyue jiaxiehui 中國音樂家協會

Unity is strength : popular Chinese songs [Zhongguo qunzhong gequ 中國群眾歌曲]
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherForeign Languages Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberM1804.C469 U5
Description75 p. 26 cm
NoteUnity is strength : popular Chinese songs / compiled by the Union of Chinese Musicians. Zhongguo qunzhong gequ 中國群眾歌曲 / Zhongguo yinyue jiaxiehui bian 中國音樂家協會編.
Principally for voice and piano.
Colophon in Chinese: 團結就是力量 : 中國群眾歌曲 : 中國音樂家協會編.
Words in Chinese; English translations printed as text following each song.
SubjectSongs, Chinese