Author: Sinor, Denis

Conqueror of the world. [Conquérant du monde. English]
Publish_locationNew York
PublisherOrion Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS22.G7513 1966
Descriptionxvii, 300 p. :maps (on lining papers) ; 24 cm.
NoteConqueror of the world / translated from the French by Marian McKellar and Denis Sinor ; with preface, notes and bibliography by Denis Sinor.
Translation of: Conquérant du monde.
Bibliography: p. [293]-300.

PART ONE : THE ANCESTORS -- 1. The Sons of the Grey Wolf and the Tawny Doe -- 2. The Heavenly Visitor -- 3. The Gest of Bodonchar -- 4. Misery and Grandeur of the Nomads -- 5. Rude Chieftain at the Court of the King of Gold -- 6. Unquenchable Hatreds: The Death Throes of Ambaqay -- 7. The Mongol Hercules.

PART TWO : CONQUEROR OF THE WORLD -- 1. Yesugei the Brave and Prester John -- 2. Yesugei's Conquest of the Lady Ho'elun -- 3. Childhood Days of Chingis-khan -- 4. Orphans Driven from the Clan -- 5. The Young Chingis-khan Kills His Brother -- 6. Chingis-khan Pilloried -- 7. Chingis-khan Escapes -- 8. The Theft of the Horses -- 9. Chingis-khan's Marriage -- 10. The Coat of Black Sables -- 11. The Abduction of the Beautiful Borte -- 12. Chingis-khan Wins Back the Beautiful Borte -- 13. Convoy in the Night and the Separation of the Hordes -- 14. Chingis-khan, King of the Mongols -- 15. Prisoners Thrown into Boiling Cauldrons -- 16. The Brawl after the Banquet -- 17. Chingis-khan in the Service of the King of Gold -- 18. Chingis-khan Rids Himself of the Mongol Princes -- 19. Surprise Assaults in the Mountains -- 20. Chingis-khan's Magnanimity -- 21. The Anti-Caesar Jamuqa and the Battle in the Storm -- 22. Chingis-khan Wounded: The Devotion of Jelme -- 23. "The Arrow that Wounded Your Horse, It was I Who Shot It!" -- 24. "If You Had Delivered Up Your Master to Me, I Would Have Put You To Death." -- 25. The Extermination of the Tatars.

26. The Hearts of the Two Tatar Sisters -- 27. "Our Daughters Are Ladies: Theirs, Serving Women" -- 28. Nomads between Sworn Allegiance and Treason -- 29. The Two Herdsmen Save Chingis-khan -- 30. The Affray by the Red Willows -- 31. The Tears of Chingis-khan -- 32. "We Shall Gather Up the Mongols Like Dung-Pats." -- 33. The Complaint of Chingis-khan -- 34. The Bitter Water of the Baljuna -- 35. Night March and Surprise Attack -- 36. The Fate of the Kereit Princesses -- 37. "You Have Trampled Underfoot the Head of this Dead Man!" -- 38. "Those Evil-smelling Mongols" -- 39. En Route for the Hangay Mountains -- 40. The Dogs of Chingis-khan Eat Human Flesh -- 41. The Death of Tayang -- 42. The Advocacy of the Fair Qulan -- 43. "These Merkits, I Hate Them!" -- 44. A Note of High Tragedy: Chingis-khan and Jamuqa -- 45. The "May Field" of 1206; Proclamation of the Mongol Empire; Promotions and Citations -- 46. The Old Guard -- 47. In the Siberian Tayga -- 48. Priesthood Versus Empire: The Ambitions of the Grand Shaman -- 49. Chingis-khan Breaks the Back of the Grand Soothsayer -- 50. On the Approaches to China.

51. Vengeance for Ancient Injuries: The War of Chingis-khan against the King of Gold -- 52 The Storming of the Great Wall and the Descent into the Great Plain -- 53. The Mongols Take Peking -- 54. Chingis-khan's Meeting with the Chinese Man of Letters -- 55. On the Silk Road: The Uyghurs, Chingis-khan's Mentors in Civilization -- 56. The Ride of Jebe the Arrow from Mongolia to the Pamirs -- 57. The Massacre of the Caravan -- 58. Before the Great War: Chingis-khan's Testament -- 59. In Moslem Country -- 60. The Wind of Anger and the Taking of Bukhara -- 61. Toward Samarkand -- 62. At Urgenj: Attack Through a Town in Flames -- 63. Manhunt: On the Track of the Sultan -- 64. The Wind of Anger Blows over Khorassan -- 65. Storm Over Afghanistan -- 66. From the Destruction of Towns to the Revelation of Urban Civilization -- 67. Chingis-khan and the Problem of Death: The Summoning of the Alchemist -- 68. To Join Chingis-khan: Across Mongolia -- 69. Conversations of Chingis-khan with the Chinese Sage -- 70. Surfeited with Conquest, the Great Army Returns to Its Native Land -- 71. Persia, the Caucasus and Russia: The Fantastic Ride of Jebe the Arrow and Subotei the Bold -- 72. The Conqueror's Years of Repose -- 73. Return to China -- 74. "If It Means My Death I Will Exterminate Them!" -- 75. "My Children, the End Is Near For Me..." -- 76. "As a Falcon Soars Circling in the Heavens..." -- 77. Up There, Somewhere in the Forest.

SubjectCivilization, Medieval--13th century Genghis Khan 成吉思汗, 1162-1227 Mongols--Kings and rulers--Biography Conquerors--Asia--Biography
Orientalism & history
Publish_locationBloomington, IN
PublisherIndiana University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [SHR]
Edition2nd ed.
Call NumberCB253.S55 1970
Descriptionxviii, 123 p. ; 22 cm.
NoteOrientalism & history / edited by Denis Sinor.
Includes bibliographical references.
SubjectAsia, Central--Civilization Asia--History Asia--Civilization
ISBN0253342619 ; 9780253342614